Friday, May 27, 2022

Painted 28mm ACW


 FS: Painted Old Glory 28mm ACW lots.  Old Glory 25mm figures mounted on flat washers.   Postage depends on number of figures/units.    Can be removed from washers if preferred.   CONUS only please!  Prices do not include shipping.


Confederate Infantry unit - 33 foot plus 1 mounted officer  - $65

9 Confederate artillerymen  - $16

10 Union artillerymen - $18

Union limber with 10 horses, 2 riders, 4 guns, 2 mounted officers - $70


Thursday, May 26, 2022

Painted 25mm Old Glory AWI units

 FS:  Nicely painted AWI units - Old Glory 25mm figures mounted on flat washers.   Postage depends on number of figures/units.    Can be removed from washers if preferred.   CONUS only please!  Prices do not include shipping.  

All units sold!  Thanks!



 Lot 1  British foot unit, 24 figures including officer, drummer, two standards - buff facings - $45 PENDING

Lot 2  British foot unit, 24 figures including officer, drummer, two standards - buff facings - $45 PENDING
Lot 3  British foot unit, 21 figures including officer, drummer, two standards - Green facings - $42PENDING

 Lot 4  British grenadier unit, 24 figures including officer, drummer various  facings - $45 PENDING

 Lot 5  British foot unit, 24 figures including officer, drummer, two standards - blue facings - $45 PENDING

 Lot 6 Continental foot unit, 23 figures including officer, drummer, two standards - buff facings - $45 PENDING
 Lot7  Continental foot unit, 24 figures including officer, drummer, two standards - Hunting shirts - $45 PENDING
 Lot 8  Continental foot unit, 24 figures including officer, drummer, two standards - blue facings - $45 PENDING

 Lot 9  Continental foot unit, 24 figures including officer, drummer, two standards - red - $45 PENDING

 Lot 10 Continental foot unit, 24 figures including officer, drummer, two standards - white facings - $45 PENDING


54mm infantry