Saturday, July 31, 2021



12 Body Suit warriors

12 Cuachic warriors

10 Fetch warriors (distributed among two above units)

16 Otami warriors

12 Slingers

12 Archers

20 Novice warriors in vests

20 Novice warriors in loincloths

20 Jaguar knights

20 Eagle knights

10 captive warriors

8 Command


Total 173 Infantry



3 Mt Command personalities (Cortez, etc)

6 foot command

12 cavalry

2 Falconets

16 Halbrediers

16 Sword and Buckler

16 Arquibusiers

16 Crossbowmen

12 two-handed swordsmen

16 slave infantry

Total 15 mounted, 2 guns and crew, 94 infantry



6 Command

16 Feather warriors

16 infantry in loincloths

16 infantry in vests

16 archers

Total 70 infantry